Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Goodbye 20's. Hello 30 Weeks!

I remember my husband and I telling people months ago that our nervous period would be highest between 20-30 weeks. Before 20 weeks, pre-eclampsia technically does not happen so there wasn't much to be nervous about. And after 30 weeks, our risk for recurrence does not yet go down but at least we have safely passed the micropreemie stage. So here we are at 30 weeks today. I am happy and grateful, though I certainly haven't exhaled you could say. Still plenty of risk to my health.

Also starting to feel the many aches and pains of the 3rd trimester and have to be vigilant to determine what is normal, what could perhaps be symptomatic of problems. Been having some mild headaches for example which in and of themselves are fairly common in pregnancy. But headaches are also a warning sign for pre-e. So I've monitored my BP when I have a headache to make sure it isn't from high BP, and thankfully it's not. BP hasn't changed. Same thing with rib pain - is it upper right quadrant pain that is caused by HELLP or is it just a foot in my rib? Oh it's a foot. Relief.

Feeling awfully tired at times but still walking when I feel well, about 1-2 miles a day. Daily.


  1. Whoo Hoo! Gorgeous pic and even better post. Keep 'em coming.

  2. Ok, girl you look gorgeous! I can only hope if I get a second chance I can look that good!! So happy to hear you are out of the 20s... you are right, the 30s are much more comfortable. I am wishing for a full-termer for you :-) Congrats on the + u/s a couple of weeks ago too.

  3. Thank you Sarah!! If anyone reads this and wants inspiration to lose weight, check out Sarah's blog link in her profile. She is a real life success story!
