Friday, April 9, 2010

Blood Tests

Saw the Ob today for our regular appt every two weeks. Went to get blood drawn right after. We are repeating the CBC we did a couple weeks ago and doing the first liver enzyme test since 12 weeks. (In HELLP Syndrome the liver enzymes will be elevated as liver damage starts to occur) I don't expect any problems since we have no other physical indicators or symptoms of pre-e/HELLP but will certainly feel better if the blood work comes back normal. At least Kaiser is great. I'll get the results emailed back by tonight - no waiting around for doctors, etc.


  1. Hi Tiffany,

    We have almost the same story, 4 year olds, born extremely premature and now pregnant again. I'm just wondering if you have done anything different this pregnancy, like diet, exercise supplements. Thank you for your blog. It is helpful to read what other women have been through to know I'm not alone.


  2. Ok, so just started reading your earlier posts and see all of the supplements you are taking. I suppose before I ask questions, I should look back at your posts. Again, thanks for spreading the word on Pre-eclampsia.

  3. Hi Tracey: Thanks for visiting. Feel free to ask me if you have more questions! When are you due? Are you doing anything differently?

    - Tiffany

  4. Hi Tiffany,

    Well, I'm doing a lot of the same things you are doing. Baby aspirin, fish oil, extra folic acid. I haven't read all of your posts yet, but you did inspire me to drink more water. I live in Las Vegas, so being in a desert climate makes it necessary to drink more water. Also, I'm trying, but not doing well with, eating Paleo. My husband is big into Paleo (eating like a caveman, meat, fruit, veggies, nuts and seeds). He thinks that diet is the cause of all evils in the world and if I followed a Paleo diet, maybe that would help me. So, I'm trying to eat better.

    I know you must feel the same as I do. I'm excited and hopeful, yet nervous because no one can predict when or if it will happen again.

    I'm due in September and last pregnancy ended with severe pre-eclampsia and premature birth at 26 weeks of my daughter. I didn't develop HELLP or any other complications. I've had a ton of blood work done and it looks like I don't have any underlying clotting disorders. So I guess I'm in the same boat as you, just waiting week to week and trying to do anything that might help.

    Love the pictures of you at 27 weeks, pre-eclampisa starting and no pre-eclampsia. I was the exact same. Just thought pregnant women had swelling issues. I had no idea that within a few weeks I'd have a tiny baby and be super sick myself. I wonder why there isn't a lot of info out there about pre-eclampsia. In all of my pregnancy books, there is a small entry, but it explains that it is rare, so I thought I didn't have it.

    Again, thanks for your blog. I'm learning from your posts as I get caught up to your current posts.

  5. Thanks again Tracey. Interesting I have heard of the Paleo diet. Seems to sound better than the crap most Americans eat! You've probably read about the Brewer Diet that supposedly prevents pre-e. I haven't found any real scientific evidence and no studies that it does. (And the original doctor didn't release any of his so called patient data) That being said I have tried to do much more protein this pregnancy, and less carbs. So protein (meat dairy beans tofu) and lots of veggies and fruit. Lots of calcium for sure!
