LOL my son took this and as usual cut off my head. And yeah I suppose I need to buy some shirts that cover my stomach. Sorry for the lack of updates. I have all sorts of weird symptoms these days, as I venture into new territory going this far in pregnancy. As I may have mentioned, it's hard sometimes deciphering what is normal pregnancy woes, what's a sign of problems. Overall I feel like I am doing very well. The last couple days I've had some mild cramping, which according to what I have read is normal. By the grace of God I seem to have little to no swelling which is just so bizarre when I look at pics from last time. How can two pregnancies (so far) be so different? The toughest complaint I have had is I tend to get this weird fatigue daily. I'll wake up and be fine for an hour and then a wave of fatigue will hit - not normal tiredness. This feels like weights and I can barely stand up and my pulse races. Lasts a couple hrs and then am fine usually. Hits in the afternoon as well. My perinatologist mentioned something about cortisol levels but didn't indicate it was serious enough to treat. Blood work from last week showed that I am now less anemic so doubt it is that (my anemia hit its highest level at the point where the blood volume had finished expanding) and is now stable.
Anyway I mentioned on a couple boards what the gameplan is now for the next 5 or so weeks:
- Weekly blood tests to check liver and kidney function (CBC, ALT, AST, creatinine, uric acid)
- Usual daily BP checks and urine checks I do myself at home
- Last ultrasound was at 33 wks. No more scheduled. Growth at 55% est 4lbs 12oz.
- Going in biweekly but suspect it will change to weekly after 35 weeks?
Right now the baby is breech and shows little signs of going head down. If things don't change and we don't go into labor the plan is to have a c-section at 39 weeks. However if we go into labor before that and the baby turns and no blood pressure problems then we will still hope to do a natural VBAC. Only time will tell. Just want a healthy baby - experiencing labor ideal but is secondary to our health.
Constantly adjusting exercise level to how I feel, try to get a mile walk in with the dog at least. It actually makes me feel better.
Other times, man, the tiredness is just overwhelming. Lots to do, not much time. Lucky if I scratch one thing off my list. Oh yeah and I have a cold this week. Wow, colds and pregnancy do not go together well. Especially coughing and being pregnant!
Anyway I mentioned on a couple boards what the gameplan is now for the next 5 or so weeks:
- Weekly blood tests to check liver and kidney function (CBC, ALT, AST, creatinine, uric acid)
- Usual daily BP checks and urine checks I do myself at home
- Last ultrasound was at 33 wks. No more scheduled. Growth at 55% est 4lbs 12oz.
- Going in biweekly but suspect it will change to weekly after 35 weeks?
Right now the baby is breech and shows little signs of going head down. If things don't change and we don't go into labor the plan is to have a c-section at 39 weeks. However if we go into labor before that and the baby turns and no blood pressure problems then we will still hope to do a natural VBAC. Only time will tell. Just want a healthy baby - experiencing labor ideal but is secondary to our health.
Constantly adjusting exercise level to how I feel, try to get a mile walk in with the dog at least. It actually makes me feel better.
Other times, man, the tiredness is just overwhelming. Lots to do, not much time. Lucky if I scratch one thing off my list. Oh yeah and I have a cold this week. Wow, colds and pregnancy do not go together well. Especially coughing and being pregnant!