Friends and family have been commenting often this pregnancy, "Wow, you look great!!" Which is nice to hear of course, especially when you can't fit into much. The funny thing though is with that comment is also another truth, that I looked pretty darn bad my last pregnancy. Not the image of healthy pregnancy glow. Seriously, true, I'll walk you through the pics and explain.
First off, this was taken last September, about a month before getting pregnant. It's rare these days I curl my hair and find time for much makeup but it was our anniversary, so on top of spending more than 10 minutes to get ready, I even shaved my legs. I'm not skinny but I was a healthy weight and running at least 20 miles a week.
Now let's backtrack to my pregnancy in 2005. I had a one hour commute each way, crappy-ish job, got little sunlight, didn't exercise much. Ate fairly well but didn't pay nearly as much attention to nutrition as I do now. And as the weeks progressed, I got fatter...but I never really looked pregnant? Just fatter. And then swollen. And then more swollen. This picture was taken on vacation in Hawaii at about 21-22 weeks, where I am now in this pregnancy. I wasn't eating like a glutton but I don't know...I just don't look right, and I don't see much baby bump that's for sure. It gets much worse....
By the time 27 weeks rolled around, it looked like you could pop me. This picture was taken at my sister's graduation and was probably about 10-14 days before I delivered Liam. This isn't fat --
this is the face of pre-eclampsia. This is about 25 pounds of pure water weight because my kidneys were starting to not do their thing. At the previous doctor's check there was an indication that things were starting to look wrong (higher BP, protein in urine) but I wasn't on bedrest and had no clue just how bad things were going. I was simply going to come back in a week for another check. It is horrifying to look back now at this picture, but back then I really had nothing to compare it to. I knew many pregnant women swelled.
So what about now? Let's see...
This one was taken 4 weeks ago, so about Week 18 or so. Good bump starting. 14 pounds gained but mostly in the stomach and still able to wear normal non-maternity sweat pants.
19 weeks or so after a run one morning
And then another one sitting a few days ago. (Can't really see how big the tummy is with me sitting). But I look normal-ish, I think??? I don't seem to have any swelling as of 21 weeks.
So the question is, is looking healthier going to make for a better outcome? Has my being in shape this time going to get me to 40 weeks? I sure as heck feel better this time. I've gained 15 pounds in 20 weeks but by Week 19 I already had a bigger belly than I did when Liam was delivered at 28 weeks. On the other hand, this young woman had a major stroke from HELLP and is the frickin picture of good health, is she not?
Pre-eclampsia doesn't just strike the non-fit and I've known several gals with worse cases that were marathoners. Fitter than I will ever be.
But alas, you can only change your own situation and your own variables. And for me, not being fit and not having a good weight clearly didn't help me last time. Maybe it won't prevent it but getting say from 28 weeks to even 32 weeks could be the difference between cerebral palsy or not. Or my baby making it or not.
So I am putting my money on trying to stay healthy.